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Upgraded Strategies to Land Your Dream Job Before Year-End

DATE: Monday, Aug 7th 2023, 8:00 PM AST

In this free training, you will learn:

The new developments in remote work that are making it EASIER for you to get in the field

While we are at it, you will also learn:

3 things that remote job seekers are doing wrong and how you can overcome them

And then, I will walk you through:

How you can set up your personal plan to land a remote job before the end of 2023!

About Your Instructor, Clem

Clem is a Medical Doctor by profession, an entrepreneur, travel blogger, business owner and life enthusiast.

Passionate of travel and cultural immersion, she build the brand "Travel with Clem" in 2016, which teaches young millennials and busy professionals to travel the world without having to quit their full-time job.

Whilst her full-time job helps her to invest, create a living and pay the bills, her online freelancing career has fueled all her travel adventures and expeditions. She has coached 200+ clients in the Caribbean and Africa on how they can land remote jobs and live their best life.

You can find me online at:, on Instagram: @travelwithclem and on Facebook: Travel with Clem

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